速報APP / 遊戲 / Learn with Emile

Learn with Emile



檔案大小:595.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Learn with Emile(圖1)-速報App

Disclaimer: An account is required to play this game.

Learn with Emile(圖2)-速報App

Times tables, spelling, grammar, fraction, addition, measurement, place value and geometry children can learn it all with Emile.

Learn with Emile(圖3)-速報App

Emile education proudly presents: Learning with Emile. This award-winning product that delivers a real impact on learning outcomes of students throughout Key stages 1 and 2.

Learn with Emile(圖4)-速報App

Emile cares about education, and our biggest mission is to improve the learning outcomes of students, whilst saving teachers' time. With "Learn with Emile", makes achieving those goals easy.

Learn with Emile(圖5)-速報App

No matter what area in the National Curriculum that you find your class having trouble with, whether it's times tables, spelling, grammar or fractions, you can find the specific games designed to help children improve on that exact subject. Playing the game for 15 minutes a week can significantly improve knowledge and understanding.

Learn with Emile(圖6)-速報App

With our advanced teachers' system, teachers can easily set up assignments, track the progress of students' work, and generate reports.

Learn with Emile(圖7)-速報App

One of the best reasons to use our product is the virtual pet system. Students can feed and play with their own unique Emile character and build a strong connection with learning. Pupils can buy clothes and food for their pet Emile using the coins which can be earned simply by completing challenges. Dressing and feeding the pet helps build a good sense of responsibility among children, not to even mention the fun, and also encourages students to use the system regularly!

Learn with Emile(圖8)-速報App

Download the app, register, and start improving right away. I can't wait to see the progress pupils are going to make!

Learn with Emile(圖9)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad